
Dosage form

 Dosage Forms: - Dosage forms are the carrier through which drug molecules are delivered to sites of action within the body. - Every dosage forms is a combination of the drug and different kinds of non–drug components called as Excipients or additives. - The additives are used to give a particular shape to the formulation, to increase stability, palatability & more elegance to preparations. TYPES OF DOSAGE FORM 1. Solid dosage forms            2. Liquid dosage forms 3. Semi-solid dosage forms 1. Solid dosage forms  Tablets: 1. These are solid unit dosage forms of medicaments intended for oral administration which are prepared by molding or by compression with or without excipient 2. The tablets can be prepared by two methods namely as a I) Dry granulation, II) Wet Granulation Capsule: 1. Capsules are solid unit dosage forms in which one or more medicaments enclosed within a gelatin shell. 2. Capsules mainly divided into two parts namely as – B...

Types Of Bone

                         TYPES OF BONE Long bones - femur bone  flat bones - frontal bone  short bones - carpals and tarsals irregular bones - vertebrae sesamoid bones - patellae                                                                                                                                        (1) . Long bones The  long bones , longer than they are wide, including the femur (the longest bone in the body) as well as relatively small bones in the fingers. Long bones function to support the weight of the body and facilitat...


                                                                          CELL -  all  living organisms are made of cells as the smallest functional unit. CELL THEORY The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and function in living things. All organisms are made up of one or more cells. Cells arise from other cells through cellular division. Figure: 1.1 structure of a cell Plasma Membrane The plasma membrane is a thin outer membrane, which maintains the integrity of the cell. It keeps the cell and its contents separate and distinct from the surrounding. It is a double-layered  measuring about 4.5 nm and made of phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, & carbohydrate (oligosaccharides). The bi-layer is self-sealing. If a needle is injected and pulled...

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Dosage form

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